The present Internet Website (the "Website") is owned by its publisher, the company Les
Grands Chais de France SAS (“GCF”), with a capital of €26,150,000, incorporated in the Trade
and Company Register of Saverne under the number 315 999 201, and whose head office is
located at 1, rue de la Division Leclerc – 67290 Petersbach, France.
Phone number : +33 3 88 71 79 79
For any request regarding our products or any other information, please contact us via our
contact form

Publication Director: Mrs. Anne-Laure HELFRICH

Hosted by: OVH SAS, with a capital of €10,069,020, whose head office is located at Roubaix
(59170), 2 rue Kellermann, incorporated in the Trade and Company Register of Lille
Métropole under the number 424 761 419
Phone number : +33 9 72 10 10 07

Welcome to Fleurs de Prairie website

To visit our website, you must be the authorised legal age to purchase and drink alcohol. If your country does not have any laws on this matter, then you must be at least 18 years old. 

I am of age, I am over 18